Saturday, 17 September 2016

We Wrote a Book!

Writing a book—a book like ours at least—isn’t about the book itself. Not really. It’s about connections. I have my copy of High Tide, Low Tide beside me this morning as I sit at my favourite table at CaffĂ© Nero, and thus far I’ve had two conversations sparked by it.

Neither conversation resulted in a sale, but each resulted in an opening of heart between me and the other person. And it’s not just since the book has been published, although that certainly helps. Throughout its four year journey from inception to realisation, our book has brought me and Fran into contact—into connection—with folk we simply would not otherwise have met.

Some call it networking. Some call it platform building. It is both these things, and much more. It is what happens when you find your feet on the right road (what Spock described to Kirk as one’s “first, best destiny”) and open yourself to what the journey may bring. I have learned a few things.

  • Not everyone you meet is supportive. Most are.
  • Not everyone is open to the changes the journey brings in you. Most are.
  • Not everyone can see that your dreams do not threaten them. Most can.
  • Not everyone in your life at the start of the journey will stay the distance. Most will (and how many more!)

We wrote a book! If you are reading this (whether you buy a copy or not!) we’re glad you stuck with us, or found us along the way, or were here all along. Whatever, we are glad you are here!

High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend's Guide to Bipolar Disorder is available at:,,, and Barnes & Noble.



High Tide, Low Tide: Facebook Launch Party

Join us both and a host of friends on Saturday October 1 for the Official Launch Party for our new book, High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder. We hope you are as excited as we are!

The Facebook event will run between 1pm and 5pm Eastern Time (6pm through 10pm in the UK) on Saturday October 1.

Stay tuned to the event for specific details and times as they emerge!

We could not have brought our book into the world without the encouragement, support and love of you all. Please accept this invitation as a small token of our thanks and appreciation.

High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder is published by Nordland Publishing and is available now at and

Marty & Fran


Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Fran Opens Her Copy of High Tide, Low Tide

Fran shares her excitement as she opens her copy of our book, High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder.


The Thing about Depression

You can muddle along for years. Literally. Sometimes you manage to crawl out of the pocket of darkness and feel what you imagine must be happiness. But it tends not to be sustainable. Circumstances happen. Situations. Set backs. Knock backs. A large mallet to hammer you back into the ground for daring to pop your head up. How dare you! You miserable no good at anything wretch!

The world often seems like a place I’d rather not be anymore. It’s a struggle to remain—much harder. The rules aren’t fair, for one thing. And this thing people call ‘caring’, ‘love’ ... what 53 years has taught me is that lip service has come to have more value than active demonstration in a language the person affected can translate into meaning.

And people are scared. They’re scared of depression in others. How do you bring a person up from rock bottom without somehow feeling responsible for the aftercare, which means time—which is precious. And weighs heavy.

But the worst part of depression is the isolation. You cannot talk to anyone about how low you’re feeling without them feeling that they either need to wash their hands of you altogether, just in case you stain them, or feeling that they need to cover their own backs. Notify authorities to step in “for everyone’s sake”, so the buck is passed on, and not square in their hands. BUT, to a depressed person, that threat (for it is one) is enough to make them clam shut.

And there lies the problem. Now they are well and truly on their own with it all, while the well meaning words whoosh past their ears without ever sinking in.

Maya Hayward