Writing a book—a book like ours at least—isn’t about the book itself. Not really. It’s about connections. I have my copy of High Tide, Low Tide beside me this morning as I sit at my favourite table at CaffĂ© Nero, and thus far I’ve had two conversations sparked by it.
Neither conversation resulted in a sale, but each resulted in an opening of heart between me and the other person. And it’s not just since the book has been published, although that certainly helps. Throughout its four year journey from inception to realisation, our book has brought me and Fran into contact—into connection—with folk we simply would not otherwise have met.
Some call it networking. Some call it platform building. It is both these things, and much more. It is what happens when you find your feet on the right road (what Spock described to Kirk as one’s “first, best destiny”) and open yourself to what the journey may bring. I have learned a few things.
- Not everyone you meet is supportive. Most are.
- Not everyone is open to the changes the journey brings in you. Most are.
- Not everyone can see that your dreams do not threaten them. Most can.
- Not everyone in your life at the start of the journey will stay the distance. Most will (and how many more!)
We wrote a book! If you are reading this (whether you buy a copy or not!) we’re glad you stuck with us, or found us along the way, or were here all along. Whatever, we are glad you are here!
High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend's Guide to Bipolar Disorder is available at: Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, and Barnes & Noble.