Fran Houston
A highly successful electrical engineer until illness struck, Fran has lived with bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia for over twenty years. Her first book, For the Love of Peaks: Island Portraits and Stories, was published in 2010. Fran is single and lives in Portland, Maine.
Fran is a member of the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance.
Martin Baker
Three thousand miles away in the United Kingdom, Martin works in the Information Technology Services industry. He is an ASIST trained Mental Health First Aider; a member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Stigma Fighters, Mind and BipolarUK; and Fran's primary support and life-line. His Collected Poems: 1977–1984 was published in 2008. Martin is married to Pam and lives in the north-east of England.
Martin is a contributing author at bp Magazine.