News / Upcoming
- Gum on My Shoe listed on the Great Links and Bloggers page at the Our Bipolar Family website.
- Sharing our story in this powerful piece by STOP Suicide, for Time to Talk Day.
- No One is Too Far Away: Notes from a Transatlantic Friendship (New Edition), Martin Baker and Fran Houston (Kingston Park Publishing, 2021)
- No One is Too Far Away: Notes from a Transatlantic Friendship, Martin Baker and Fran Houston (Eliezer Tristan Publishing, 2018)
- High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder (Revised Edition), Martin Baker and Fran Houston (Kingston Park Publishing, 2021)
- High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder, Martin Baker and Fran Houston (Nordland Publishing, 2016)
- For the Love of Peaks: Island Portraits & Stories, A Collection, Fran Houston (Maine Authors Publishing, 2010)
- Collected Poems: 1977-1984, Martin Baker (Lulu, 2008)
Book Reviews and Listings
- High Tide, Low Tide included in Bipolar UK’s top books on bipolar disorder.
- High Tide, Low Tide reviewed in The Psychologist, journal of the British Psychological Society
- High Tide, Low Tide reviewed by Laura Marchildon for Our Bipolar Family
- High Tide, Low Tide reviewed by Stephanie Cox
- High Tide, Low Tide reviewed by Marie Abanga
- High Tide, Low Tide reviewed by Anne Goodwin for Annethology
- High Tide, Low Tide featured in Abilities, magazine of the Canadian Abilities Foundation
- High Tide, Low Tide added to Book Club and Counselling Students Book List at The Counsellors Cafe
- High Tide, Low Tide listed in October 2016 issue of Ex Libris Maine
- High Tide, Low Tide accepted by Royal Society of Medicine Library
- High Tide, Low Tide features in the customer library at The Happy Cafe Ely
- For the Love of Peaks reviewed by Bob Keyes, Portland Press Herald
Interviews and Podcasts
- Friends in Deed: Overseas confidants co-write books about being a supportive friend. Interview with Bob Keyes, Maine Sunday Telegram
- [MB] Podcast interview with Amy Gamble for SpeakUp4MentalHealth
- Interview with It’s Not Your Journey for Mental Health Awareness Month
- Interview with Marie Abanga (part 1, part 2)
- Podcast interview with Stigma Fighters CEO/Founder Sarah Fader
- MH Shorts podcast: Support in the age of Social Media, for Old Cove Road
- Podcast, Transatlantic best friends: how Skype enables our long-distance caring friendship
- Podcast interview with John Wilson from OnlineEvents for their professional resource library
- Podcast interview with award-winning health writer/blogger Diane Atwood. Also interview for Catching Health
- Podcast interview with Steven Hesse for Geek Apocalypse (mp3 audio). Also Geek Apocalypse 100th episode, mp3 audio (starting at 2:00:40)
- [MB] Radio interview, Mentally Sound, Gravity Radio NE (starts 27:00)
- [FH] TV interview with Derek Davis at kitten therapy event, Portland Press Herald
- [FH] TV interview with Jennifer Rooks, Maine Watch, MPBN
- [FH] Radio interview with Dellani Oakes, Red River Radio
- [FH] Interview with Rita Kissen, Island Times (PDF)
Appearances and Readings
- [MB] Guest speaker for Talking FreEly, Ely, UK. Full speech (video)
- Book party and fundraiser (video part 1, part 2, part 3) for mental health nonprofit Family Hope.
- Fundraising campaign for mental health nonprofit Family Hope
- [MB] Panellist, 2016 Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s annual It Takes a Community forum on Social Media & Mental Health (video | audio)
- [MB] Book reading at Newcastle Literary Salon Jun 2016 | Jul 2016 | Sep 2016
Keynote Essays and Articles
- [MB] Featured in 7 People Who Have Changed How We View Bipolar Disorder at Health Central
- [MB] Contributing author at bp Magazine
- [MB] “No one is too far away to be cared for or to care,” by Martin Baker. Published in Stigma Fighters Anthology: Volume 2 edited by Sarah Fader (Osiris Ink, 2016) and on the Stigma Fighters website
- [MB] 10 Ways to Support a Friend With Mental Illness When You’re Apart at The Mighty (originally published by NoStigmas)
- [MB] To Dad, on Account of the Life I’m Proud Of (and Wish You Were Able to See) at The Good Men Project (also here)
- [MB] Dear Mum, Love Martin at Stigma Fighters (also here)
- [FH] Maine Voices Op-Ed, Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
- [FH] The Big Sea. The Big See published in The Maine Review (Spring 2016)
Guest Posts
- Hosted by I’m NOT Disordered
- 10 Things My Friendship With Aimee Has Taught Me About Mental Health and Caring Support
- Blogmas 2019: Marty’s Christmas WishList
- Body Image Q&A for Mental Health Awareness Week
- Time to Talk Day 2019 ... With Guests!
- Christmas Q&A With Author Martin Baker
- A Year Since Publishing
- 24 Hours With Martin Baker
- Marty’s best and worst experiences talking about mental health
- Mental Health Awareness Week: Top Relationship for Fran Houston
- Mental Health Awareness Week: Top Relationships for Martin Baker
- 24hrs With Two Best Friends Living 3,000 Miles Apart
- Hosted by Julie A. Fast
- Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Connected: Our 3,000 Mile Friendship and the Coronavirus Pandemic, hosted by Diane Atwood at Catching Health
- What Mental Health Awareness Week Means to Me, hosted by DWP Digital
- What Does Mental Health Awareness Week Mean to Me?, hosted by Beka Lombardo at It’s Not Your Journey
- Trust, Honesty, Openness and Connection: The Right Ingredients to Have a Conversation about Mental Health, hosted by Races Around the World
- What Friendship Is All About, hosted by The Counsellors Cafe
- Marty and Fran: Why we are Time to Change Champions, hosted by Time to Change
- Martin’s Story, hosted by Mental Health First Aid England
- Introducing High Tide, Low Tide, hosted by Andy Murray
- #BeReal—Martin Baker, hosted by HASTYWORDS
- Wearing T-Shirts Is Not Enough, hosted by Wearable Therapy
- 17 Ways to Be an Angel, hosted by michiganfilm