Wednesday, 26 February 2014

All about the Book

The next part of the book proposal to be written is called About the Book.

"Isn't it ALL about the book?" you might ask, and you'd be right, up to a point. But as we have been discovering, a book proposal has to cover rather more ground than "Hey this is a great book, sign us up!"

There are sections covering the market (audience), our credentials as authors, other books already published, production details, promotion, brief chapter summaries and sample chapters... phew! In many ways, the About the Book section is a summary of all those parts, and then some... and it's important to get it right.

I had my big pad of paper out earlier, and my best fountain pen, and did some scribbling... out of which, I believe, came some useful ideas which we will be looking to develop in the next few days.

Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck! I remember writing book proposals in my publishing class and they were a lot of work. It takes some time and revisions, but you'll get there!
