Saturday, 7 January 2017

Six Things I'd Quite Like to Do in 2017

I’m not big on New Year Resolutions, but here are six things I’d quite like to do in the year ahead.

1. Volunteer with Time to Change

I had a great time last year volunteering for mental health charity Time to Change at Newcastle Mental Health Day (#NCLMHday) in February, and Newcastle Pride in July. At these events, and December’s Festive Networking Event (see this report by Aimee Wilson), I’ve met some amazing people, and can’t wait to continue my connection in 2017.

If you’d like to get involved with Time to Change in any capacity, check out their Champions page.

2. Visit a Pub

Specifically, Wylam Brewery at the Palace of Arts in Newcastle upon Tyne. I first visited the brewery’s new venue last August, on the day of Newcastle’s Fiesta Festival on the Town Moor. The place was heaving and I didn’t stay, but I can’t wait to pay a return visit. The Palace of Arts has a long and interesting history.

3. Fundraise for a Mental Health Charity

I’ve done a few fundraisers, including two zipwire slides for Crisis; the Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk along Newcastle Quayside; and walking here to support Fran who was doing the NAMI Walk in Maine. I only managed the NAMI Walk last year, but I’m keen to find other mental health fundraising events in 2017. If you know of any, please let me know.

4. See HTLT on a College or University Reading List

Fran and I are very keen to get our book High Tide, Low Tide: The Caring Friend’s Guide to Bipolar Disorder into libraries and onto the reading lists for relevant school, college, or university courses. If you are involved with such courses or programs, or know someone who is, we’d love to hear from you!

5. Bring My Weight Back under 180 Pounds

Since I began taking my weight seriously in July 2012, I’ve seen it fall from 200 lbs to around 175. It remained stable for a while, then began to drift upwards again. Somewhere along the way I stopped caring, and last year my weight rose dramatically to well over 190 lbs. I’ve recently recommitted to caring about my body, and fully intend to return my weight to within healthy limits. Let’s see how it goes!

6. Complete a Mental Health Course

I’ve done several online and classroom courses over the past few years, including Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). This year I’d like to develop my experience and skills further. I don’t have anything lined up yet but I’m looking at learning opportunities offered by Recovery College Collective, Time to Change and the NoStigmas advocate training program.

Well that’s it for now. Have you set yourself any goals or resolutions for the new year? I’d love to hear them!




  1. All the best with getting your book into libraries and the relevant courses Marty!
    A couple of my goals for 2017 is to exercise more and also to blog more consistently :)

    1. Hi Valerie - thank you for commenting. Good to connect with you today on the Facebook blogging group! Some (gentle!) exercise would fit in nicely with my aim of losing some weight... hmmm maybe I will join you! :)

  2. These goals sound very sensible. I hope you reach them.

    1. Thank you, Lydia! I will post up an update as and when I achieve them!

  3. I also have such a list for this year. I wish you that you managed to do everything that you planned this year

  4. It’s good that you set realistic goals because by the end of the year you can easily reach them and be proud of it.
