Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Six Things I'd Quite Like to Do in 2019

At the start of 2017 and the start of 2018 I listed a number of things I would “quite like to do” during the respective years. I’ve had a lot of fun - and some challenges - with this and I want to continue in the same vein. Here then is my list for 2019. I’ll let you know how I get on!

You can see how I did in previous years here: 2017 | 2018.

1. Take Three Well-being Courses

I took two excellent courses at Newcastle Recovery College Collective (ReCoCo) towards the end of 2018. The first was on self-harm awareness. The second was a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Awareness workshop. I have worked on – and used – my WRAP plan since taking the workshop, which is a testament to how useful the classes were.

In the coming year I’d like to take three additional well-being / personal development courses, not necessarily at ReCoCo. The health of any friendship is the responsibility of both parties but I have a history of being either “way too much” or “not enough” in my relationships. It’s time I took responsibility for that. With this in mind I recently completed an online course on unhealthy relationships at DailyOM, which I found very useful. I have enrolled for another, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, which will count as my first of the three I would like to do in 2019.

2. Bring My Weight Back under 176 Pounds

At the time of writing, my weight has been stable between 178 and 180 lbs for a couple of months.

This achieved the interim target I set myself for 2018, but I would like to bring my weight down another few pounds and maintain around 173 – 176 lbs.

3. Happy Happy Joy Joy

The first two items on this list are arguably a little on the “worthy” side. This is fine, of course, but not everything needs to have a purpose beyond itself.

I had some really fun times last year which took me out of myself in ways I’ve not been used to. I’m not going to prejudge how many there might be or what they might look like but I’d quite like some more joyful moments, please!

4. Meet Two Online Friends Face to Face

I don’t have anyone – or anywhere – specifically in mind, but it would be fantastic to meet up with folk I have thus far only known online. Watch this space!

5. Have One Caffeine Free Week

During 2018 I reduced my coffee intake from four or five cups a day to two (very occasionally three). I am not planning to stop altogether, but a week’s detox will give me the opportunity to see how addicted or otherwise I actually am to my daily caffeine.

I intend to warn family, friends, and colleagues in advance: there is a rumour I get very grumpy if I don’t have my morning coffee!

6. Visit Barter Books, Alnwick

Barter Books is a second-hand bookshop in the market town of Alnwick, Northumberland, which is thirty-five miles north of where I live in Newcastle. It is one of the largest second-hand bookstores in Europe, and is is located within the town’s Victorian railway station. I have wanted to visit for many years but somehow have never done so.

At the suggestion of a mate of mine I am adding a visit to Keel Row Books in North Shields to my list. Thanks, Karl!


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