Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Starting the Day: My Three Favourite Coffee Mugs

I don’t think people understand how important your coffee mug is. It literally is the thing you hold that starts your whole day.

— Elyse Salpeter

The above quotation is excepted from a recent post on Threads with permission of the author. The full thread is worth checking out, not least for the photos of coffee mugs posted by its readers. As an inveterate coffee drinker, it made me smile, and reminded me of a passage I've seen many times online.

You may think that you are completely insignificant in this world. But someone drinks coffee every morning from their favorite cup that you gave them. Someone heard a song on the radio that reminded them of you. Someone read the book you recommended, and plunged headfirst into it. Someone remembered your joke and smiled, returning home from work in the evening.

Someone loves themself a little more, because you gave them a compliment. Never think that you have no influence whatsoever. Your trace, which you leave behind with even a few good deeds, can not be erased.

— Christina Makeyeva

It's a humbling message and one close to my heart. I thought I'd share three of my favourite coffee mugs and the stories behind them. I have many mugs at home that I've collected or been gifted over the years. I'll drink from any of them but these are my current favourites. Anything else just isn't the same.

Rainbow Dots

I'm struggling to recall whether I bought these rainbow dot mugs for me and Fran, or whether she bought them. Regardless of who bought them, they're in regular use on both sides of the Atlantic. I keep mine at work and use it every Wednesday and Thursday when I'm in the office. It's not uncommon for Fran and I to be sipping from our matching mugs when we meet for our video call at midday my time (seven in the morning for Fran). Little points of connection like that mean a great deal when you live three thousand miles apart.

Thinking About Blogging

This is my everyday coffee mug at home. It was a gift from my dear friend and fellow blogger Aimee Wilson last Christmas. She knows me well!

but in my head

I hope I do in fact pay attention when someone is talking to me, but it's true that whatever topic I'm blogging about this week is never far from my thoughts. Many of my articles are inspired by conversations with family, friends, and colleagues. I will confess to occasionally pausing a conversation to jot down a note or two so I can refer back to it later.

Editing Day

This was my everyday coffee mug at home for several years until Aimee bought me the “thinking about blogging” one.


This was also a Christmas gift from Aimee, 2019 if I remember correctly. As someone who blogs every week and is never far from editing something, it's perfect. I make a point of using it every now and again, so it doesn't feel left out!

Over to You

It's been fun sharing my favourite mugs and reflecting on the connection that gifting everyday items can reinforce. Every sip from one of these mugs is a reminder that I'm cared for and loved. Sitting in a coffee shop (where else?) writing this piece led to a great conversation with someone I’d never spoken to before who totally got where I was coming from. (If you see this, Nagham, hi!)

Do you have a favourite mug or cup? Is there a story behind it, or someone you think of every time you use it? Fran and I would love to hear from you, either in the comments below or via our contact page.


Photos by Martin Baker.



  1. Like you, I have several favourite mugs. One has a labyrinth. I believe it was purchased at the Chartres cathedral. One says, EUDAEMONIC: adj., producing happiness. One says, RENEW. One says, REINCARNATE. The best was made by my wife. It has the impression of my son’s infant feet on one side and on the other it says, “Papa loves Dubh” (my black cat).

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! Yours sound brilliant, and very personal to you, especially the final one.
      — Marty
