Sunday, 26 July 2015

Martin Baker, a portrait by Sherry Joiner

I was deeply honoured that Sherry Joiner, renowned painter and author of Sherry Goes Sane: Living a Life with Schizo-Affective Disorder, chose to paint my portrait — and blown away at the result!

I asked Sherry for a few words to accompany her painting. Here’s what she said.

To a fascinating person, Martin Baker, an inspiration to many in the field of mental health. I enjoyed painting a portrait of you.

Thank you for appearing from the UK to sit for me while I painted. Even though you were invisble and we had never met before, a photo brought me closer to you and we connected on my masonite board. More people should meet like this!

Thanks again!

Check out Sherry’s website and blog at

1 comment:

  1. And I am the lucky recipient - just grinning from ear to ear. I will find Martin (2) a special place to reside so his kind eyes and happy smile can affect me. Thank you Sherry, ever so much!
