Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Six Things I'd Quite Like to Do in 2019 - How Did I Get On?

At the start of the year I posted a list of Six Things I'd Quite Like to Do in 2019. I shared an update in August, but how did I get on overall? Let’s take a look!

1. Take Three Well-being Courses


I feel I've done pretty well with this one. I began two courses which I've yet to complete: Overcoming Self-Sabotage at DailyOM and OpenLearn's Understanding Autism. I updated my Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training and took Pluralsight's excellent Introduction to Emotional Intelligence, also Future Learn's Understanding Suicide and Suicide Prevention Strategies in a Global Context.

Best of all I completed the three day Personal Leadership Programme offered by The Living Leader. This was excellent and gave me plenty to think about. The single best aspect of the course was the Vision Statement we were each invited to write: a snapshot of the ideal life we might have if we believed anything were possible. That is something I will be keeping very much in mind as I move into 2020.

2. Bring My Weight Back under 176 Pounds


As you can see from the graph my weight remained stubbornly above 180 pounds for most of the year, peaking around 184. I got back on top of things in the final month or two but I’m ending the year higher than I began, a little over 181 pounds. It’s not merely a numbers game for me. I’m fascinated by how my weight is influenced by, and influences, my mood and what else is going on in my life. It will be interesting to see how it varies as I move into a new year with whatever challenges and opportunities that brings.

3. Happy Happy Joy Joy


At the start of this year I wrote:

“I had some really fun times last year which took me out of myself in ways I’ve not been used to. I’m not going to prejudge how many there might be or what they might look like but I’d quite like some more joyful moments, please!”

I’ve more than achieved this one. So much so I hardly know where to start!

I’ve had some fabulous times this year with my “blogging bestie” Aimee Wilson including visits to Newcastle’s Life Science Centre, an Easter fundraiser at the Cats Protection Adoption Centre, day trips to Durham and Morpeth, and an afternoon in Blyth. We were official bloggers at the Hidden Histories: Mining in the North East event in June which was something new for me, and attended North Tyneside’s event for World Mental Health Day. Another highlight I shared with Aimee (okay I invited myself along!) was meeting Jonny Benjamin MBE at a mental health event in Newcastle. That evening was extra special because I got to reconnect with my friend Vikki who I’d not seen in ages.

As far as fun times and joyful moments go it would be hard to beat singing and dancing with Vikki at Stack Newcastle, or the Skype call I had with Fran in May when we met a hedgehog and a (very attentive) cat and found a special place down by the river. I’ve had some wonderful calls with other friends too throughout the year — I’m thinking of you in particular, Jen! The run-up to Christmas brought more opportunities, starting off with Christmas shopping with Aimee in Morpeth (see photo), then the Jingle Bell Walk fundraiser for childhood cancer charity The Chris Lucas Trust. Joining Fran and her friend Diana on Skype while they decorated Fran’s apartment was also wonderful!

All in all it’s been a year filled with warm, fun, and joyful times, and I’m grateful to those who shared them with me. Here’s to many more in 2020!

4. Meet Two Online Friends Face to Face


As I reported in my mid-year update I met up twice this year with my friend Soph who I’d previously only known online.

I’d hoped to hook-up in person with a few more folk but for one reason or another it didn’t happen. Here’s to next year!

5. Have One Caffeine Free Week


I never did attempt a week — or even a day — without caffeine! It’s perhaps for the best: according to the keyring Aimee gifted me recently, COFFEE CURES ALL OF YOUR ISSUES!

6. Visit Barter Books, Alnwick


Despite my best intentions I didn't make it to Barter Books in Alnwick, nor Keel Row Books in North Shields which was also suggested to me. Another one to carry forward as I’ve only heard good things about both bookshops.

I have been a bit remiss on my reading this year generally. I am half-way through Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend, and recently bought Jerold J. Kreisman’s I Hate You — Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality at the suggestion of a friend. I intend to complete both in the new year.

I think that makes two and a half of my “things” accomplished out of six! Not great in percentage terms but looking back it was a brilliant year and the things I did achieve more than made up for those I didn’t.

Did you set yourself any resolutions, objectives, or “things to do” for 2019? If so, how did you get on?



  1. As ever, focus on the things you did achieve.
    I'm sure you did far more than your original list covered.
    I know my small list of goals only covered a tiny part of what I achieved this year

    1. Thanks for your comment - I quite agree with you which is part of the reason I am not going to do a list like this for the coming year (2020).
